Year 2019
Authors 周秝宸,Ping-Yu Yang, Li-Chen Chou, Zhan-Ao Wang
Paper Title Estimation of the labor market information–an empirical study in Taiwan
Journal Title Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems
Vol.No 37
Issue.No 3
Page(s) 3477-3487
Level Type SCI
Paper Type paper
Total Pages 11
Date of Publication 2019-01-01
Abstract Using Taiwan’s Manpower Utilization Survey from 2012–2014, this paper investigates the impacts that salary variation caused by insufficient information, then evaluates the condition of information holding between the employee and the employer. The results indicate that the ignorance of employee and employer are deeper in the private sector than that in the public sector; the employees and employer ignorance with the white-collar both larger than the blue-collar. Besides, the results demonstrate insignificantly effect in both ignorance estimation in the public sector, which may reflect the labors enter to the public sector mainly through national examination and cause the insignificant estimation.
Language Chinese
Reference URL
  • 刊登版twotired_frontier_model_YANG_et_al2019.pdf