
年度 論文名稱
2007 王湧泉、吳思達、黃佳純, 2007職訓課程發展計畫—消防安全設備管理職類訓練課程規劃, 2007職訓課程發展研討會, Nov. 09, 2007
2007 Wang, Y. C., Huang, J. T., & Hsiao. Y. T., An Investigation of Temporary Employees’ Management Interventions in the Public Sector, 2007 International Conference on Workforce Education and Development (ICOWED 2007), Oct. 30-31, 2007, Taiwan-Taipei
2007 Wang, Y. C., Huang, J. T., & Chang, Y. F., A Study of Government Agency Temporary Employees’ Job Attitude and Job Performance, 2007 International Conference on Workforce Education and Development (ICOWED 2007), Oct. 30-31, 2007, Taiwan Taipei
2007 王湧泉、黃佳純、張雅芳, A Study of Government Agency Temporary Employees’ Job Attitude and Job Performance, 2007 International Conference on Workforce Education and Development, College of Technology, Oct. 30-31, 2007, 台北
2007 王湧泉、黃佳純、蕭毓庭, An Investigation of Temporary Employees’ Management Interventions in the Public Sector, 2007 International Conference on Workforce Education and Development,College of Technology, Oct. 30-31, 2007, 台北
2007 Huang, J. T., Wang, Y. C., & Hsieh, H. H., Systematic training evaluation: A case study of return on investment (ROI) evaluation model, 2007 International Conference of Cultural Memory and Social Innovation: The Interlocution between Asia and the World, Oct. 20-21, 2007, 台灣 高雄
2007 黃佳純、王湧泉、謝慧賢, Systematic Training Evaluation: A Case Study of Return On Investment(ROI) Evaluation Model, 2007 International Conference of Cultural Memory and Social Innovation: The Interlocution between Asia and the World, Oct. 20-21, 2007, 高雄
2007 吳思達、王湧泉、黃佳純, 台灣地區因應產業變遷發展的技職人力培育策略, 海峽兩岸職教論壇暨職業教育研討會, Aug. 21-22, 2007, 中國 福建省福州市
2007 王湧泉, 台灣地區因應產業變遷發展的技職人力培育策略, 福建中華職業教育社第十四次理論研討會, Aug. 21-22, 2007, 福建省福州市
2007 吳淑敏, 軍事院校校長領導力與情緒智慧對學校執行力之影響研究, 陸軍軍官學校八十三週年校慶基礎學術研討會, Jan. 01-Dec. 31, 2007, 高雄