【转知】FNSIP 美国在台协会 2024 春季实习生招募公告,申请截止日期为112.12.10(日)

  • 2023-11-30
  • Admin
你是一位台湾的大学生或者研究生而对国际事务感到兴趣吗?  你想在一个国际化的环境中汲取工作经验吗? 欢迎加入AIT!  AIT很高兴地宣布我们的2024年春季学生实习计划!  应征截止日期为2023年12月10日。今天就来申请吧!此次本协会含台北办公室17个名额及高雄办公室7个名额总共释出24个名额!如有任何问题,欢迎写信到TaipeiAIT-FNSIP@state.gov询问。

请详阅附件招募简章, 并将申请资料寄至 TaipeiAIT-FNSIP@state.gov
*填写申请表格”Statement of Interest”小提醒: 若您对数个部门有兴趣,请以排名的方式于Section 5呈现,如:1. HR 2. CONS 3. EXEC










Are you a Taiwan college or graduate student interested in international affairs?  Would you like to gain international work experience?  Come join us at AIT!  AIT is delighted to announce our Spring 2024 student internship program!  Applications must be received by December 10, 2023.  Apply today! Please refer to the attached document for the available positions including the application details.

Feedback from the previous interns
  • People are super super nice here!  Everyone is very willing to share their experience and teach you.  Also, the working culture and environment are so inspiring and encouraging!
  • Friendly team members and willing to guide me when I am not familiar to the basic operation.
  • Get to know more experts in Mandarin teaching helps me to gain knowledge, and to decide future career path!
  • The upbeat, fast-paced and friendly work environment!
  • I became much more confident in speaking English in front of Native speakers.
  • Nice colleagues and environment!
  • Being able to participate in a variety of seminars and events. / Working in an English-speaking workplace!
  • Able to try different tasks and work in an American culture environment!
  • Participate in different events and learn to adjust my mindset about the actual working field!